Hong Sok Hour assistants and technicians Pact Sam Rainsy fled while court procedures

Phnom Penh: A senior official in Phnom Penh Municipal Court has revealed radiant on the afternoon of August 22, said the ongoing court proceedings in Case Hong SokHour Senator Sam Rainsy party concerned simulation border between Cambodia and Vietnam.

The official added that the continuation of proceedings in court simmering in this case, the court plans to summon help Hong Sok Hour, including technicians dock Facebook Sam Rainsy, president of the National Salvation Party for questioning and clarification about the process posted a video clip of Hong Sok Hour on the social network to interpret the claims about the content of Article 4 of the Treaty of 1979, Samdech Heng Samrin, who is the head of state signed with the head of state of Vietnam on February 28, 1979 that the two countries agreed to dissolve the two border states, as well as the text of the treaty was taken inclusion in this video clip.

Besides Hong Sok Hour and National Assembly RA National Salvation Party also involved in a conspiracy hidden Hong Sok Hourcompetence.

According to internal sources of the National Salvation Party, said that the technical committee and his assistant Hong Sok Hour, organized map borders Hong Sok Hour, Senator Sam Rainsy Partyhave fled abroad and fearing the court called for a comment. Those who fled abroad 1. Wash Ing Jong (or piglets) 2. Properties Properties Sathya 3. David and other officials escaped.

According to the Hong Sok Hour enforcement was arrested on the morning of August 15, 2015.On 16 August 2015, the court decided to detain Hong Sok Hour Prey Sar prison.

The court accused the Hong Sok Hour 3 offense: 1st 2nd falsifying public documents and falsifying public documents 3. inciting cause severe Colonel Haven Social Security which provides for punishment under Article 629, Article 630 and Article 495 of the Penal Code. 3 crime charges by Hong Sok Hour simulate the Cambodia-Vietnam border treaty 1979, Article 4.

Please remind that chief Gen. Neth Savoeun National Police on August 15, 2015, reports on the arrest of Hong Sok Hour SenatorActing chairman of the penalty Senate of the Kingdom of Cambodia.

The report said that in the morning of August 15, 2015 6 pm and 5 minutes at 106 Street 2011 villages Kork Khlieng neighborhoodPhnom Penh's Sen Sok district police forces have arrested Hong Sok Hour, members of the Senate to the Municipal Police.

The facts of the phrase is on 12 August 2015 in the Facebook website named Sam Raingsy posted a video clip lasted about 11 minutes, and the video clip continues until the morning of 13 August 2015. In this video clip Hong Sok Hour, to interpret the claims about the content of Article 4 of the Treaty of 1979, Heng Samrin, the head of state signed with the head of state's Vietnam on 28 February 1979 that the two countries agreed to dissolve the two border states, as well as disclose the text of the treaty included in the video clip . This video clip shows the content of Article 4 of the treaty, with the yellow mark on it, "the two sides willing to resolve disputes through peaceful negotiations any possible conflicts in their bilateral relations. The two sides will hold negotiations to sign the two countries for the dissolution of national borders, depending on the current border, and both sides decided firm to modify the border into a border of peace and friendship established between the two countries. "

The report said, adding that while the actual original content articles of the Treaty of Peace, Friendship and Cooperation between the Republic and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, "the two sides pledged to resolve Any conflict can occur in contact with each other through peaceful negotiations. The two sides will negotiate to sign a treaty defined the border between the states the two countries based on the present border line and the border line between commitment to a peaceful border a lasting friendship between the two countries. "

At the end of the report confirmed that the detained Hong Sok Hour facto be held in the framework of the offense, according to the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Kingdom of Cambodia, and in accordance with the Constitution of the Kingdom of CambodiaArticle 104 and the new law on the statute Article 12 senators.

Data Source: Reaksmey Kampuchea


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