Lexus470 PM Keo Seima district commander aircraft quickly plunged into the House Inspector O drought severely damaged 2 cars

Mondulkiri: Lexus470 PM Keo Seima district commander plunged as fast as indoor ultra Inspector O drought causes damage 2a young crop injury and damage materials and also damaged houses The incident occurred at about 7 and 30 pm, July 26, 2014.

Mr.Chhun Pich, District Inspector O Reang told him the victims are preparing to eat and there's 1 car right Chanty military commander Keo Seima district nutrition open arms into his own house fast car rammed in his house cause crushing 2 tau 2 and other materials, including a girl, suffered minor injuries. He added that he recognized human rights museum that he really but the momentum suddenly lost its drive to escape again.
Details await follow later

Data Source: Sangkum Cheat


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