Prime Minister broke that Sam Rainsy told messaging, wants to amend the Constitution, Article 2 »(Video inside)

(Phnom Penh): Samdech Prime Minister Hun Sen on August 13 has penetrated message's with Sam Rainsy publicly that Sam Rainsy, president of the National Rescue Party, but who wish to amend Article 2 of the Constitution, which talk about the sovereignty of the territorial integrity of the country.

The mention of Samdech Prime Minister Hun Sen has made in the graduation ceremony for students Phnom Penh International University in the morning of 13 August 2015, after the organization and the people criticized and accused the government and the CPP that it is planning to modify the Constitution, Article 2, in order to solve the territory.

Speaking to students winners than 1 billion people in the National Institute of Education, Samdech Techo, which is powerful in the country, announced that 'I took the Hawaii SMS Your Excellency Sam Rainsy and read a little bit to go down so that the children of his slavery, because now he was not all that what an idol, but master him, you asked me (correct Article 2 of the Constitution), I do not agree, because not to do when it not see any ... this channel: 17, 7 hours, 7:49 minutes, I read to listen and Ladies of National Rescue Party listen to: How are you Samdech! Recommendations Samdech recently related to the border issue to show the unity stronger in order protect the territorial integrity of the country, I would like Samdech mercy possibility to amend the Constitution, Article 2, on the map that we need to make the conversion with the participation of the CPP and the National Rescue Party jointly with favor from me. '

Samdech Prime Minister Hun Sen said, adding that 'Now, let me salute the master Ladies asked my amendment, I understand that time it was not suitable because he realize, as I also American stories (the border), in the West it is used (map) 1/200000 in with Laos Now we make a map with only Vietnam, but in the Constitution, Article 2, see clearly, but sorry literally mystery of the parent, but the parent refuses to tell the children saw was difficult so that's why I said it is suspected that the shake-ranking North.'

Recently lawmaker and minister National Rescue Party, expressed the reaction series after Dr. Sok Touch, head of research about the map at the Royal Academy recommends the party elected two discuss a constitutional amendment straight Article 2, which talk about the territorial integrity of Cambodia. Article 2 states' territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Cambodia, absolutely can not be violated within its borders as defined in the scale of 1 / 100,000 between 1933-1953 and is an internationally recognized between the years 1963-1969.

Eng Chhay Eang, secretary general of the National Rescue Party appears to soften stance slightly, telling Fresh News this afternoon that the National Rescue Party will not oppose it if the content that correct, including the Supreme benefits greatest for the nation, and that the content of the Sam Rainsy sent to Samdech Prime Minister Hun Sen was just asked to examine the possibility only.

He said by phone that the position of the National Salvation Party, we do not say, 'No! Or we say, 'Yes, we look at the content, if the content of the correction, the content of what people want it, if the content of the correction, it has the benefit High enormous for the country deprives our support, but if the content of the correction, so it does not benefit the country, but deprives are we correct to do and what is the message of His Excellency Sam Rainsy sent to Samdech Prime Minister Hun Sen, it is suggested that in order to examine the possibility whether to investigate the possibility of correcting the constitution if profits Let us correct, but if the damage we do not correct.'

Yesterday, the Cambodian Watchdog Council, based in Norway, has condemned those who want to attend the Constitution, Article 2, the organization regarded as acts of treason. Institutional statement said the government intends to push to amend the Constitution, Article 2, to the multi-faceted requirements on border demarcation with Vietnam, 83 percent, based on the 2005 Treaty and UTM map scale of 1 / 50,000.

Dr. Ley Researchers society and an independent analyst considered a constitutional amendment in Article 2, it seems to cut the head requires a helmet because of the border posts, some made already and that if change the Constitution, that Cambodia will lose the right to completed in the required areas from Vietnam back.
He said that if the constitution ... We want to protest, we want to plead our hope, but if what we lost and that is speaking, no right to protest.

Expert analysts and circles, some knowingly subjects have said the constitution ratio 2, which set to use the maps offer the 1/100000 who made between 1933 to 1953, can apply only to Cambodia border Vietnam but Cambodia shares borders with Thailand and Laos, and in that for Thailand, Cambodia could use a scale 1/200000 made in 1904, only obtained profits.

Data Source: Fresh News Asia


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