Lon Nol coup? Henry Costa (former soldier Mike force in the current 70 Professor at the Royal University of Phnom Penh)

Lon against selfishness and ignorance always repeatedly accused the Lon Nol in a bad sense,in particular, the Vietnamese composer and his faction accused the Lon Nol Coup deposed King Sihanouk on March 18, 1970. Reality this is a coup?

Many documents have shown that Vietnamese have settled along the border Khmer eastern champouhtea champouhkaek.In addition,Vietnamese retailers throughout Cambodia in towns and cities around the Tonle Sap.Khmer chasing Vietnamese border into Vietnam, said Sihanouk Such a settlement. While the International Commission control Check the presence of foreign troops on the Geneva 1954 Openly preventing international supervision only ruler (Lmeu) he was carrying food to feed those Vietnamese yiekkong.Taking chances that such support from the Vietnamese stormed it comes alive in Cambodia. In 1968- 69 Vietnamese temple carrying guns into the pocket through fraudulent import Vietnamese ghost march there.

Saw their risk for such right-wing Lon Nol the prime minister has been trying to solve this. When he went out treatment Moscow already srokbeareang Khmer citizens rally at the border and destroy North Vietnamese Embassy on March 11, 1970 (Bernoulli-mail name in a book stand Le Roi rouge). In such a turbulent situation Lon beg Samdech Sihanouk returned home, but he refused to come and continue to come to Beijing. The political situation then the turbulent situation out of control because there is no leader
Responsibility. Khmer Assembly Heng Cheng, the president immediately convened to address this issue without discussion tanks surrounded the Parliament is different from the Vietnamese accusations it has sown.

After discussing for a long time the National Assembly decided to drop the King Sihanouk, 92 votes against and 0 without objection and abstained. Suddenly, North Vietnamese troops yiekkong more aggressive attack Army Forces then only a few thousand people. As Lon Nol rodthaphibeal_sraochasrang_cheate Vietnamese and led the fight kommouynis and negotiation, and the South Vietnamese government to send illegal Vietnamese back into it.

Hence the events of 18 March 1970 was not a coup deposed Sihanouk, it is the decision of the National Assembly, 92 votes against 0. Hence Khmer citizens should understand this event clearly do not believe the slander Kommouynis Vietnamese and Khmer kommouynis real Patriots.Historical events, of course, politicians are not distorting history in order to serve its ambition.

Data Source: Hen Vipheak


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