Samdech Techo Hun Sen urged the political parties to show the map

Political extremism and accused government of using bogus maps and allegedly cut more land to Vietnamanother boost to Samdech Prime Minister Hun Sen has put questions presented evidence for the truth, especially on issuesuse the map false.

It should be noted that according to the Constitution of the country maps officially recognized and filed with the organization UN carbon is a map on a scale of 1 to 100 billion ... but when the government plans to use the border with Vietnam in order to avoid confusion in the future ... the National Salvation Party and government map map used is a fake. With allegations CNRP leaders presented a map with its confirmation that bought from a market in France, equivalent to US $ 168 more.

Do not agree to use the map and be encouraged to Samdech Techo Hun Sen made a letter to leaders UN leader and 3 powers, France, the US and Britain to the proposed loan if the original map If there are 3, with the request to send specialized teams examined maps and more. The government allegedly used fake maps and suspected Vietnamese territory and lead to violence fighting takes place in the border province of Svay Rieng past ... and the violent party hard propaganda effort to gain popular politics even more. Samdech Techo Hun Sen said on Aug. 3 that proposed for the other side to the actual map.

Opposition leader Mr. Sam Rainsy, who talk about buying maps from the market in France was reported in Overseas yet. CNRP has not yet confirmed whether the party will be presented with a map to show the transparency of its who are waiting to see. At the same time, Samdech Techo Hun Sen, said that due to the manipulations of the opposition to government political pot That policy too Samdech will keep the vote in the July 4th weekend without making changes. Samdech Techo Hun Sen stressed that the 2018 election will be made in the second week, July 4, without the use change anything.

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