US Ambassador: in a democratic society should criticize all comments are welcome

US Ambassador William (William E. Todd) was raised that he was happy that the public interested in the draft Law on Associations and NGOs considereddemocratic society should criticize all comments are welcome.

Recently, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent a letter to the US Embassy warned Williams from the interference involves criticism UN draft. Cambodian Foreign Ministry considered this criticism are very proud.

On the block, it's William who released on May 24, he said he was happy when there is a continuous feedback and reactionafter the article's comments. He said that among those polled saw the most positive and negative feedback.

He added that 'I'm happy to see that my comments were interesting and provided comments. He said that this shows that the public interest in the draft, and recognizes the importance of a public discussion on the draft law.

Because the discussion and dialogue is essential for a democratic society, so I think the idea should be welcomed. I have a strong belief that working together in dialogue and discussion on important topics like this can enhance the final result.

On Monday, the Interior Ministry has confirmed a new draft law on associations and non-governmental organizations that are subject to criticism is made based based on the Constitution and the International Covenant appeals not to have concerns regarding restrictions of freedom. claims Ministry of Interior made after hundreds of civil society organizations have been asked to provide a formal draft to the public and demanding A wide consultation with various stakeholders.

Regarding criticism draft Cambodian Foreign Minister Hor Namhong has summoned representatives of UN agencies 4 criticized the draft law for questioning. 4 agencies, including the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), United Nations Fund for Children (UNICEF), United Nations Women (UN Women) and the United Nations Fund for Population (UNFPA).

Ago, Prime Minister Hun Sen said that the law on the management of non-governmental organizations will be infected with the Council of Ministers in May 2015 calling for There is a suggestion rather than obstruction to the passage of the law. He said that the creation of this law is to not to management hinder the activities of NGOs.

The prime minister pointed out that NGOs do not stir too moderate, and those he did not yet have the right to approve. He wanted to talk, they said to go down, but the rights of the government the rights of Parliament are adopted, and ... maybe from 5 (May) it is meeting put into cabinet and wanted someone supports or does not support the voice of the lawmakers who have the right to approve the 50 plus 1 is enough to be passed. Avoid blocking out.

According to the Interior Ministry's report on the 2014 results and the direction for the year 2015, according to this date, associations, non-governmental organizations that have registered with the Ministry, totaled 4378 ( 1706 associations and non-governmental organizations, 2,672). The report said that in 2014 the Ministry of Interior registered 539 non-governmental organizations, associations (177 associations and non-governmental organizations, 362).

Data Source: Sunarin


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